![]() 07/28/2020 at 14:47 • Filed to: Rich Rebuilds, Samcrac, Legit Street Cars, livestream, Tavarish | ![]() | ![]() |
UPDATE: Rich had his video reinstated!
[Previously on Oppo, 7/26/2020]
Rich had another video taken down today. Does anyone know why his videos keeps getting flagged?
Anyway, I just stumbled on the end of a live stream (intervention?) with Samcrac, Rich, and Legit Street Cars.* All are friends and they discussing how to handle this.
*Tavarish makes a pixelated appearance in the middle.
![]() 07/26/2020 at 23:20 |
Not sure. I personally like his videos.
![]() 07/26/2020 at 23:24 |
I was going to type out a longer response but the short answer is he lacks a legal team to counter-bully Tesla and Youtube. I think if feet were held to fire, someone at Youtube would say one of two things. 1) He tells people to do poor repair work on a high voltage vehicle or 2) He has people on who say things like “Ah, yes, this problem is well known” but don’t provide any followup evidence or information to back up these claims thus rendering them as slander.
In any event, I hope his notoriety grows because of all these tribulations and I hope Tesla makes a better car because of people like RIch.
![]() 07/26/2020 at 23:24 |
I mean... I’m not even a big fan of electric cars, but... It’s Rich Rebuilds! How can you hate that guy? I don’t understand the level of pet tiness that causes people to do these things to him.
![]() 07/26/2020 at 23:25 |
He pissed off Tesla fanbois, by posting a video suggesting that he was planning to sell 1 of his 15 Teslas and by a gas powered car, so as to have a vehicle for longer road trips, and material for a wider range of car repair topics on his channel. Since then, they’ve been flagging his videos as inappropriate and getting them taken down, in retaliation for his disloyalty.
![]() 07/26/2020 at 23:25 |
Rich Restomods would have less hate
![]() 07/26/2020 at 23:35 |
Yeah I know, but he's had his Z06 for every. And the i8 has a 3 cyl turbo.
![]() 07/26/2020 at 23:39 |
I think it was the statement that he would be letting go of one of his Teslas and replacing it was a gas car, as well as the insinuation that maybe there are certain applications that they are not as well suited for that did it, along with the idea that he’d be doing more non-EV content.
![]() 07/26/2020 at 23:44 |
He did address the complaints on his poor repair work with a "Uncle Rich is not your daddy" type comment. To be fair, a lot of these YouTubers have poor safety standards.
![]() 07/26/2020 at 23:48 |
Folks have to get over it. The messed up part is the majority of the video that keeps getting pulled is Rich presenting a Model S that they rebuilt and we're giving away.
![]() 07/26/2020 at 23:53 |
Those people are idiots, they don’t like cars, they like appliances.
![]() 07/27/2020 at 00:10 |
I think his videos are getting DDOS’d by Tesla Cucks - probably a bot. Youtube’s system is largely automated so a well trained bot can downvote/report it enough to trigger the content filter.
![]() 07/27/2020 at 00:25 |
Rich mentioned that advertisers don't want their products promoted around his videos due to the take downs, which is killing his revenue. If it's all bots, wouldn't the blame be all on YT?
![]() 07/27/2020 at 00:59 |
Advertisers don’t want to pay for videos that will taken down. I don’t know how R ich structures his ad contracts, but they probably done on a # of videos basis with some kind of time restriction (like: 10 videos inside of 1 month). They don’t want to pay for 10 videos and basically get 9.
Youtube doesn’t give a shit about that, because they don’t like people going outside the Youtube ecosystem and doing their own advertisement deals. That’s why they slapped a “this video has 3rd party advertisements” flag on videos who endorse Cove speakers and all the other junk that these guys hawk.
![]() 07/27/2020 at 10:46 |
Easy. He made the decision to sell one of his many Teslas for an ICE and ever since then the Tesla cult has been in full force on his videos. You don’t even need to physically report the videos yourself.
Bet a lot of them are using bots to ratio the hell out of the videos while reporting them. And since YouTube’s systems are largely automated, these attacks eventually lead to a video takedown. YouTube is notorious for allowing unchecked abuses of its systems . Having your videos taken down is then not good for monetization and whatever as sponsors you have.
Side note: Screw Tavarish for running a far right website that legit only exists to spread fake news and widen the divide.
![]() 07/27/2020 at 12:11 |
Rich posted he’s giving away all his Tesla stuff. Guess he’s had enough of the cult.
Also was it ever confirmed Ta varish was involved with that website/trolling/being an asshole? I recall one of the Jalop Eds calling him out on Twitter, but cannot find anything else from there.
![]() 07/27/2020 at 12:59 |
A commenter on a Jalop article gave me some links loooong ago that I’ll try to find.
The short version is that some reporters found out that he owns a website that makes some absolutely horrifying posts and does nothing but further brew division, for profit! He was interviewed about it and at first he claimed to only have sold the domain. Being called out, he admitted to being the owner of the site and doesn’t really care about the content because the site makes good money.
It looks like he doesn't actively participate in the site, just profits off the propaganda and fearmongering posted within.
Ah, here we go!
![]() 07/27/2020 at 13:09 |
I should applaud his blatant opportunism, if for the fact that allowing the cancer of such right-wing hatred to fester and spread makes all our lives worse.
Other than stating the obvious in how disgusting this is, I don't have much else to say.
![]() 07/27/2020 at 17:41 |
You know I respect your voice and opinions, Miss Mercedes, but I wouldn’t be bothered by Tavarish’s websites. Both are on the far opposite sides of the crazy political spectrum and he’s allowed to make money off of them. And he isn’t the only one that does it, nor the only minority that does so.
TBH, I wouldn’t mind making money this way IF I DIDN’T HAVE A CONSCIOUS.
Besides, who knows what G/O Media/Herbs/etc. use for their side hustles...outside of spamming the hell out us with questionable adverts
![]() 07/27/2020 at 18:01 |
I actually don’t care about the sites themselves. There are many like it and even many equally crazy far left sites as well.
Just blegh, I can't get behind the idea of intentionally running a hate site just to make a buck. lol
![]() 07/27/2020 at 20:22 |
I don’t think so - but Tavarish did mistake Rich for another guest that was kicked out of Amelia Island, for some reason. The guy did look similar, and had press credentials, or something, and it happened in the background of a video Tavarish filmed with some other YouTubers, I think he noticed it when he edited it together and assumed it was Rich, but didn’t bother checking. Rich corrected him on that in a video, and Tavarish apologized.
![]() 07/27/2020 at 20:23 |
To be fair, I could see YouTube not wanting to be associated with overpriced junk like Vincero or MVMT watches.
![]() 07/27/2020 at 23:13 |
I actually have a Vincero and it’s a okay watch.
![]() 07/28/2020 at 14:58 |
Just because it’s legal, or others are doing it, doesn’t make it right.
He’s an asshole for actively working to further divide his fellow citizens.
![]() 07/28/2020 at 15:01 |
That level of pettiness now pervades every corner of our society, sadly.
![]() 07/28/2020 at 15:02 |
![]() 07/28/2020 at 15:04 |
What website does he run?
![]() 07/28/2020 at 15:08 |
Nah, fuck him. He’s a shithead profiteering off misinformation, nobody should support his YouTube channel.
![]() 07/28/2020 at 15:09 |
As far as I know, there’s only one confirmed Tesla cuck.
![]() 07/28/2020 at 15:12 |
I was turned off when one of his early vids popped up on a volt forum by a tech “this is a good way to kill yourself”.
![]() 07/28/2020 at 15:38 |
You run afoul of the “Tesla Reality Distortion Field”? The Cultists will relentlessly hunt you down.... They are far, far worse than the Moonies ever were.
Keep in mind, this is what The Cult says Tesla’s exponential growth curve looks like...
Keep in mind, here back in reality, that THIS is what the growth curve ACTUALLY looks like.
These Tesla guys are nutty. You can’t trust a damn thing they say.
![]() 07/28/2020 at 15:42 |
This is a good point.
He’s been “a car guy” a very long time... lots of customs, lots of projects.. and commented recently how much of a turn-off it was to dig into the Tesla World and find out how little Tesla people know or care about actual cars.
![]() 07/28/2020 at 15:52 |
They have no idea about cars, these are the same people that brag about not owning a car in SF but now they want a hipster EV. I can’t wait til there are lots of EVs so they can just be considered cars and not a trend to hold over people’s heads. I have a diesel Mercedes, for a while they converted them to veggie oil and now it’s moved on to EVs. I have no problem with the world being cleaner for daily use but it is kind of killing the mechanical nature of it all.
![]() 07/28/2020 at 16:42 |
I still think we’re in Palm Pilot zone... only the lunatic fringe Early Adopters are buying, but the hardcore Camry-Accord-Altima buyers are frugal enough and good enough with money to recognize that it’s a loser proposition. For now.
![]() 07/31/2020 at 19:23 |
Just blegh, I can’t get behind the idea of intentionally running a hate site just to make a buck.
That’s where I’m at also. It doesn’t really matter if he believes the nonsense posted on the website. The fact that he is using hate to make money makes him pretty much just as bad.
He’s less of an entrepreneur and more of a soulless vulture without a shred of conviction.